本書共選注李白詩二百二十首,大致包括了李白一生各個時期所寫的不同體裁的主要作品。李白詩歌具有明快、生動、豪放、震撼人心的力量,是中華文化的瓖寶,在中國文學史上放射燦爛的光芒。 白居易在《李白墓》一詩中詠道 : "可憐荒壟窮泉骨,曾有驚天動地文 !"公允地表達了千百年來人們對李白詩文的高度評價。 本書保最新選注本,因是後出的本子,選注者有不少前人研究成果可供參考,所以能保證較高的質量。
Li Po (A.D. 701-762) lived in T'ang Dynasty China, but his influence has spanned the centuries: the pure lyricism of his poems has awed readers in China and Japan for over a millennium, and through Ezra Pound's translations, Li Po became central to the modernist revolution in the West. His work is suffused with Taoism and Ch'an (Zen) Buddhism, but these seem not so much spiritual influences as the inborn form of his life. There is a set-phrase in Chinese referring to the phenomenon of Li Po: "Winds of the immortals, bones of the Tao." He moved through this world with an unearthly freedom from attachment, and at the same time belonged profoundly to the earth and its process of change. However ethereal in spirit, his poems remain grounded in the everyday experience we all share. He wrote 1200 years ago, half a world away, but in his poems we see our world transformed.